Tractiongrips Youtube channel, and info on professional samples

We have been adding an occasional video to Youtube for a decade or so, but recently began making more, primarily to showcase our custom materials. We aren’t monetizing the videos like other do, because we’re not in the business of making videos to generate money, and nobody wants to sit through an ad to learn about a product. The videos are kept short, usually in the one minute range. No loud annoying music, or gunfire and explosions to listen to. Just a brief introduction to a product, and some text to give a little more info. I’ll admit, the quality isn’t the best, and some of the older ones are almost painful for me to watch, but they serve the purpose of showing what the product looks like, and describing the utility of the product. We are also seeking Youtube content creators, or writers of blogs, who would be willing to do an honest product review. We’re not interested in having somebody to puff us up, or offer a biased review. The goal is to have potential customers know exactly what to expect, and hear how the products performed under actual use. I can’t stand watching many of the current gun related product reviewers, because they seem determined to use the loudest and most annoying intros, or the person doing the video is pushing the product like a used car salesman trying to support a cocaine habit. If anyone is interested in professional samples to use for video or blog reviews, feel free to contact Please include a link to our channel, or blog.

Here’s a lik to ou Channel:

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